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Self-Mastery through the Twelve Rays


Janet's new book is now available

You may order this marvelous new book by clicking here :


Learn your specific ray structure and empower yourself with this fascinating manual for self-realization!

SELF-MASTERY THROUGH THE TWELVE RAYS is a fascinating, easy-to-read book that will empower you with the dynamic knowledge of the rays and how to effectively use them in your life! This is truly the cutting edge of spiritual technology!

Each person is a combination of six different rays: physical, emotional, mental, personality, soul, and monad. Discover your unique ray structure. Learn your soul’s purpose, your divine mission, your strengths, weaknesses, challenges, how you relate to others, and how to heal yourself. This book will help you to become an empowered person, honor your soul, express your authentic self, and live with intentionality.

Did you know that there are seven different kinds of bodies? Do you know the ray numbers of your physical body, mind, personality, and soul? Take the quiz! Learn how to use all of the rays for healing, balance and harmony for yourself, others, and the planet.

Part One gives profound information about the Twelve Rays, their characteristics, and how they relate to you. Part Two is a marvelous guidebook in how to use these rays for healing and personal and spiritual growth.

Janet Houser is an author, teacher, Life Coach, Spiritual Counselor, Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner, teacher/practitioner of the Melchizedek Method of healing, intuitive, numerologist, corporate trainer, wellness expert, healer and student of life. Her credentials include a Master's Degree in Business Admin istration and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education. She currently lives in Chandler , Arizona.

Janet welcomes your comments and feedback about her book and hopes you will enjoy reading SELF-MASTERY THROUGH THE TWELVE RAYS!


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